These mini Malas consist of 12 beads (a traditional Mala contains 108 beads or 12x9). A simple and convenient way to carry some gemstones with you wherever you go.
Throat Chakra Keychain with Turquoise and Aquamarine
- Throat Chakra: Associated with communication, self-expression, speaking truth - 5th Chakra
- Try this Intention: " I speak my truth. I am heard."
More about the gemstones:
Turquoise is the most efficient healer, it is a protective and purification stone. It provides solace for spirit & well-being for the body. Solves problems & calms the nerves. Placed on the third eye it enhances intuition and meditation. On the Throat Chakra, it releases old vows, inhibitions and prohibitions, and allows the soul to express itself once more.
Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress & quiet the mind. It has an ability to bring unfinished business to a conclusion, also useful for closure on all levels. Aquamarine sharpens intuition & opens clairvoyance. It shields the aura & aligns charkas, clearing & stimulating the Throat Chakra.