These mini Malas consist of 12 beads (a traditional Mala contains 108 beads or 12x9). A simple and convenient way to carry some gemstones with you wherever you go.
Third Eye: Lapis Lazuli & Sodalite Mala Keychain
Third Eye Chakra: Associated with intuition, perception, spiritual awareness, trusting your purpose - 6th Chakra
More about the Gemstones:
Lapis Lazuli is known to be one of the oldest spiritual crystals. It is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It is an excellent stone for stimulating wisdom and good judgement. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It aids in opening the Third Eye Chakra and balancing the Throat Chakra.
Sodalite unites logic and intuition. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and allows this in all forms of communication. It correlates to the Throat Chakra.