Discover the perfect balance of strength and serenity with our Power in Stability Mala. This mala will help you stay grounded and focused throughout your day. Enhance your meditation and mindfulness practices with the added stability this mala provides.
Try this Intention:"I am grounded in love and courage, embracing deep and powerful wisdom"
More about the Mala Necklace:
Onyx is a strengthening stone. It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or physical stress. Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. It aids learning lessons, imparting self-confidence and allows you to be at ease in your surroundings.
Jasper is a supreme nurturer. It brings tranquility & wholeness; aligning the chakras & aura. It can facilitate shamanic journey & dream recall. Jasper is a protection stone & it provides balance for Yin & Yang. It aligns the physical, emotional & mental bodies. Encouraging honesty within you.
Carnelian grounds & anchors you in present reality. It is a stabilizing stone with high energy. It is excellent in restoring vitality & motivation. It is useful for dramatic pursuits & stimulating creativity. Carnelian gives courage, promotes positive life choices & dispels apathy. It activates the Root Chakra.
Dragon - Wealth, prosperity, strength & power
Kali Mala - The skull as worn by the Hindu Goddess Kali symbolizes liberation, knowledge & wisdom. Kali carries a fierce love that destroys demons & the part of our ego that deceives & creates troubling thoughts. Freeing us of our lurking fears by giving us the strength to face inner darkness to bring those fears to the light of consciousness.