The Moonstone Rainbow Burst Mala embodies the magic of New Beginnings! For those embarking on a new path, this is the perfect talisman to inspire and guide them on their journey. With carefully chosen gemstones that support and balance all 7 Chakras, this Mala will help you find inner peace and stay connected with your inner self.
Wear this Mala and experience the transformative powers of Moonstone and Rainbow Burst.
Try this Intention: "Wear the Moonstone Rainbow Burst Mala to embrace new beginnings, align your Chakras, and connect with your inner self, guided by the transformative magic of Moonstone and Rainbow Burst."
More about the gemstones:
Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. As its name suggests, it is highly connected to the moon & intuition. It is most powerful at calming the emotions. Moonstone can enhance psychic abilities & connect with your higher consciousness. It can soothe emotional instability & stress, improving emotional intelligence. Moonstone connects with the Crown Chakra.
Carnelian grounds & anchors you in present reality. It is a stabilizing stone with high energy. It is excellent in restoring vitality & motivation. It is useful for dramatic pursuits & stimulating creativity. Carnelian gives courage, promotes positive life choices & dispels apathy. It activates the Root Chakra.
Goldstone is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage & a positive attitude. Increasing drive & confidence.Goldstone correlates to the Sacral Chakra;, which is the Chakra of creativity, passion and desires.
Golden Tigers eye gives us the strength and courage necessary to survive hard times. It can help us to trust in the Divine, that all is working out according to plan. It can also help us trust ourselves and to know we have the ability to solve our problems and make a success of ourselves.
Jade is a symbol of purity & serenity. It attracts good luck, friendship & love. This stone soothes the mind and stimulates ideas. It is a powerful stone for the Heart Chakra. It is a protective stone which keeps the wearer from harm & brings harmony.
Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress & quiet the mind. It has an ability to bring unfinished business to a conclusion, also useful for closure on all levels. Aquamarine sharpens intuition & opens clairvoyance. It shields the aura & aligns chakras, clearing & stimulating the Throat Chakra.
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It is an excellent stone for stimulating wisdom and good judgment. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It aids in opening the Third Eye Chakra and balancing the Throat Chakra.
Strawberry Quartz -In addition to the generic healing properties of Quartz; healing, cleansing. Strawberry Quartz stimulates the heart energy center, filling one's total person with the feeling of love and with the euphoria of the true loving environment.
Guru - Moonstone
Shooting Star Rainbow Charm